Friday, December 26, 2008

A Very Artsy Christmas

Hello all! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. I decided not to deal with my camera this year, so I don't have any photos to show. My mom took some, but she took off today to go visit her mom. Maybe I can add them later!

My husband and I had a great Christmas. We plan to buy a new flatscreen TV, so that is all we got each other except for filling each other's stockings! (I LOVE stockings!) After our Christmas, we went over to my parents where we opened presents and then ate a wonderful meal! Yum! My mom is a great cook! Then we headed to my husband's family celebration. It was fun!

Today, (as I was cleaning the house some- have lots more to do! Ugh!!) I was thinking about how many art supplies I got this year. I decided to round them up and photograph them! Here they are:Pretty fun, huh? My husband's grandmother was very excited to give me the set of gel pens. I don't use gel pens a lot, but she was excited that she got to help me with my art. I got paint, mod podge, sharpies, glitter glue, watercolor pencils, a small sketchbook, and three new rubber stamps! Woo-Hoo!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! I wish you all the happiest new year!

I'm still looking to see what inspires everyone. I found a new website I love! Check it out here!! She does an amazing array of artwork!! I'm so very impressed by her photorealism artwork! WoW!!!!

Let me know what inspires you!


Vintage Papers said...

ohhhhhh you received some wonderful supplies..I am drooling just looking at them! Glad to hear your Christmas was special...I also love stockings - they are the best part! Enjoy the rest of your time off from school! :)

Unknown said...

Ooh, my dream Christmas present!! I'm glad you had a good Christmas, thanks for the blog candy!! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!!

Anne said...

Hi, Kristin! What fun presents! So much art potential there!!! And thanks for the link to the wonderful artwork. I love her designs!