Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good News and Bad News

Good News: There is another giveaway of some very beautiful cutout (collage) sheets! Check out Kristin at Retro Cafe Art Gallery! She is giving away some awesome collage sheets and cutout packs! Go check her out- but do it soon. Her giveaway happens tomorrow!!!

Bad news: my husband and I lost another cat today. Our cats live outside- they are basically strays we feed and take care of. They live in our backyard which isn't fenced. Well, this morning, there were two pit bulls and another mutt running around. They attacked one of our cats. She had been picked up by the dogs. I believed she died instantly. We chased the dogs off and buried her. She was still warm when we put her in the ground. This is the third cat we've had to buried due to violence. Two were attacked by dogs- pit bulls at that. One was shot with a beebee gun!

It aggravates me greatly that I live in a neighborhood where people are so careless to let their dogs run free with out consideration of the consequences. Please, I beg you, take care of your animals, and whatever you do- DON'T take them for granted.

As far as my art goes, I hope to post some more soon! Sorry for the delay in posting new art! Hope to be back soon!

PS: I'm attempting Macarons again today. Cross your fingers!


Anne said...

Hi, Kristin! Sorry for the sad news. It is so hard to lose a furry friend! {{{Great Big HUGS!}}}

Nicole K/GothamGal said...

Kristin, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I will definitely be thinking of you.
Take care!

Anne said...

Hi again, Kristin! I've nominated you for a blog award. Click through my name to my blog and check it out! :-)