Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Circle of Friends Award

I've been honored by Anne at Gaal Creative with the Circle of Friends Blog Award as a part of her First Blogoversary. '

First, I want to thank Anne. She has been a very valuable member of my blog followers. Rarely does a new post go by without her comments. They mean a great deal to me! Happy Blogoversary, Anne!

On to the award:
To pick up the Circle of Friends Blog Award:
  1. Cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog.

  2. Nominate at least 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends.

  3. Link to your nominees within your blog post.

  4. Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post.

  5. Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.

  6. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Here are my nominees for the Circle of Friends Blog Award. These are people that I have met through their blogs and they have become part of my circle of friends! Isn't it amazing what the internet can do to bring people together.

Nancy at The Vintage Papers

Shonna at Twisted Figures

Kimmie at art in redwagons

Bianca at scrapfreakgirl

Tam at Willowing

These women have become very special people in my life! I appreciate each of them!

Also check out these blogs I just recently discovered!
Maggi at Just Add Glitter and Stir

Le Vintage (I'm sorry- I don't know the person who owns this blog- I just found it today!)

Amanda at Maygreen Fairies

Enjoy these fine blogs! =)


Unknown said...

Thank you Kristin! I am honored :)

Vintage Papers said...

thank you sweet Kristin for this lovely award! I am honored and grateful! :)

Anne said...

Hi, Kristin! It was a pleasure to nominate you! :-)