Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another journal entry

I finished a journal entry today! Woo-hoo! I found this blog, D'Blogala, and I was intrigued by her journaling style, so I tried to copy it with my own things. Today, all I had was a black pen, so that's all I used. (The pink down the middle is the leakage from another page!)

Yeah, I know it is very different for me, but I kinda like it. I know I need a little refining, but it was fun! I don't particularly like my lettering, but I hope to improve that! This was just a first time.

Ok, I just have to share: we just got cable tv! We got it for my husband's grandmother- who sits home a lot and really only watches TV and does puzzle books. She hates the weekends because there is nothing on. Now, she has a billion channels to chose from! I've never had cable in my whole life- just when I visited my grandmothers. Now, we can watch anything we like. I love the History channel (and wish we could get the other ones!), the weather channel, along with many, many others! I can hardly wait. Not to mention, we get the music channels where they play the same genre of music all day long! Oh, yes! I can't wait!! I know this novelty will wear off, but now, I'm totally thrilled!!!!!

Thanks for sharing my joy! Can't wait to hear from you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Growing Pains, too

Ok, just a few days ago, Lia posted her "Growing Pains" blog entry. I completely agree with her. I think everyone goes through those creative growing pains! I'm in that place now. Lately, I've been copying artwork or style from those out there like Tam (aka Willowing) and Jasmine Becket-Griffith. I've been trying to copy some of their work because I like something- the eyes, the color- whatever. However, no matter how much I copy, mine always look the same. I was reading in a blog (I don't remember who's) that said no matter how much you copy someone's work, it will never be exactly the same. All those little things that are slightly different in your work is your voice. Now, my latest drawings (which I'll post later) may not look exactly like Tam's and Jasmine's, but I have learned a great deal by copying their work. I'm still struggling to find my style- one that is distinctive to me. I guess that comes with time and just making art. Tam says there isn't failure- just ways not to do art. Ok, so the more I copy and play, the more I'm learning of things I like and don't like- of ways to make art and ways not to make art. Eventually, I suppose, I'll find my own style, but until that time, learning, I suppose, is everything! It is the journey and the battle! What I carry away from it is the important part.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I'm struggling to find my own style, and that is OK! I guess I'm also trying to reach out to other artists and let you know that if you haven't found you niche in the art world, don't give up! It is out there somewhere. Just keep playing and making art for fun and for the purpose of learning and you will eventually find your way!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year's Artwork

I've been working on all these projects, and I finally finished a few to show you. First, I've been working in my art journal a little. There are some unfinished pages, but I've continued to do some other pages for now. First of all, I did some 2009 dreams because I don't make resolutions. These are just things that would be nice if they happened.

I've also been working on a painting for my God-Daughter. I was inspired by Jasmine Becket-Griffith's work. I decided to create a fairy for my God-Daughter. Following's Tam's video about shading a face, I painted the first face I have done that looks realistic! I also added some sparkles and stars (a la Tam!) What do you think?
I guess that's it for now! I'm working on some other things. As soon as they are done, I'll post them here, too!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wandering Moleskine 2

Ok, to the four people who responded to the Wandering Moleskine project, I thought I'd post some ideas/questions for you. Kathy N. suggested we each provide a Moleksine to pass to each person. Would everyone be willing to do that? If so, should we all get the same kind or just get what we want? I'd love to get this going! Let me know what you think!!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wandering Moleskine?

I heard about a Wandering Moleskine project, but it was back in 2005! Hmm. . the list for it was closed- can't imagine why! It was basically like a circle journal- the moleskine went out to others who all included their artwork in it and then, I assume, it was sent to the orginator. Would anyone be interested doing this? (I will probably post on stamp haven, too!) I would be very excited to see what people do!

If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post! I hope we get a lot of people involved- add this information to your blog and let's see how many people we can get involved!

Can't wait to hear from you!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

I was Tagged

I was tagged by artlover. She has several blogs, so I just posted to her profile.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell 6 things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person's blog and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

Here are the 6 things about me
1. I'm married to Kevin- nearly 3 years
2. I'm a computer geek- at home and as a job!
3. I've only recently discovered my love for creating art of any kind and the exhilaration it brings when I make something I love or I try new artistic things!
4. I take care of 6 stray cats- they are my babies!
5. I'm so inspired by Tam's work!
6. I love chocolate!

I'm tagging the following people:
Nancy (Vintage Papers)
Dawn (The Chatty Stamper)
Anne (Gaal Creative)
Sandy (It's a Colorful World)
Shonna (Twisted Figures)
Art Junk Girl

Thank you all for following my blog! I'm glad to have so many supportive people and friends!