Tuesday, December 22, 2009

December Update!

Phew, ok. . .it is 2 days until Christmas. I have a little time between my baking endeavors today to do a quick December update. It has been a crazy month. Hubby and I are still getting settled in our new house. This is our first Christmas in our new home. We got the tree up in the first weekend. (Now, it has presents underneath!) Now, I just need to take some pictures of it when it is dark in the room. Those 'glowy' pictures just look so holidayish!! (My camera battery was low, so the picture is kinda blurry! Oops!)

In trying to decorate the house, I found that I don't have much in the way of household decorations. Oh well. Time will remedy that soon!

I spent a the second weekend baking cookies to give as gifts. As a new home owner, we don't have much money for gifts, so I gave away many, many cookies and pastries! Here they are all laid out in their containers waiting to be capped and sent off to their recipients! (Peppermint macarons, Sugar Cookies, Marshmallows, Chocolate cake balls!)

I even made macarons (no flavor) to be filled with peppermint ganache! They all came out beautifully- little feet and smooth tops. Most had an air bubble, but oh well. I was very excited to see the little rows of perfect little macarons! (This was quite an accomplishment after Thanksgiving where I had to try three times to get some presentable macaron cookies!!!)

Now, I'm off work, and I'm working on making more cookies to give to my family and hubby's family. Also, I'm wrapping presents and attempting a pecan pie on Wednesday!

I so love this time of year! I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! Hopefully, I'll be back more often in the next two weeks since I'm not at work! See you soon!

Merry Christmas!!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Ok, this is just a quick blog entry to let you know I'm alive. Yes, I went back to work, bought a house, and now, it is Thanksigivng. I don't get on the computer as much as I'd like. I haven't been on my blog in ages. I just wanted to say hi! I hope to most more over the CHristmas break. Sorry I'm only a break blogger. I'll work on it!

Happy THanksgiving!

Friday, August 7, 2009

Winter Painting

First of all, I was so upset yesterday, I forgot it was my blogaversary! Oh well! I wanted to do something special, but that just didn't happen!

Ok, now on the Winter Painting. Do you remember my Autumn and Spring paintings? Well, they have now been joined by Winter!! Watercolor background, acrylic snowman, water color and acrylic girl! I think she looks very nice. I have to say Autumn is still my favorite, but I'm glad to see this series is almost finished! I'm working on summer, but she isn't finished! I just wanted to share with you!Have a great day. I'm off to court this afternoon to take care of a traffic ticket. . .oops! I've been on deferred adjutification, and this court day will end it! Phew!

This weekend, we have a great guest speaker at church, Paul Bradford of Warrior School Ministries. He is an awesome preacher, and our church is looking forward to his services tonight at 7pm, tomorrow at 6pm, and Sunday at 10:30am!

Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

A case of the "What ifs"

Ok, this is not an art entry. It is a place for me to put down my thoughts. I tend to go through these phases every once in a while, but this one seems to be long and really depressing me.

Ok, everyone has a case of the "what ifs". . . What if I did this. . .what if I followed this path and not the one I took. . .what if. . . Lately, that is all I can think about it. What if I had followed my dreams and not be practical about my life. When I was young, I loved to bake. Every break from school was time for me to make a cake or bake ginerbread cookies, etc. That was what I liked (in addition to drawing) more than anything else. Well, I never thought their was a future in it- just something fun to do when I didn't have to go to school. (Ask my mom. I'm certain she got tired of supervising me!)

Anyway, in an old book I used to fill out every summer about the previous school year, I grew up wanting to be a teacher. Good stable job. . .the practical side. The subject changed, but teaching was what I wanted to do. Ok, so, I went back to school two years ago to be a teacher. I tried it- taught 5th grade. I HATED it! Teaching is so not my bag. Even if I learned more on how to be a better teacher, I don't think I would want to go back. There just isn't creativeness in that job- so much by the book paperwork and details. No thanks! Not ever again.

Ok, so that dream was a bomb. What about the baker/pastry chef in me? What about the graphic designer in me? What about the artist in me? I just discovered through Facebook that a friend of mine from middle school is now a chef! Wow! How cool! (In fact, I think she might work at Disney World.) Also, another friend of mine from college is working at Disney World- how awesome. I was given the same opportunity as she was, but I was mad at her at the time, and I turned down the opportunity. How stupid could I be??? (I, of course, blamed it on the fact that they wanted me to start in Quick Food and Beverage- which isn't where I wanted to be. My friend started there and now, she sometimes gives the famous Keys to the Kingdom tour- a type of backstage tour for those of you who don't know.)

Now, my life is boring. Yes, I'm buying a house, and that is very exciting. However, other than that, my life didn't turn out as I hoped. I have a deadend job that doesn't pay well at all. I'm married-which is great. I also have a great church and a great relationship with God. That realtionship with God is the only thing that is really keeping me going. I'm certain God has plans for me that surpass my own. (There are big things going on at our small church, and I know God needs me there to do something no one else can do.) However, I don't know what God will need me to do, so for now, I'm trying to figure out my life with my carnal mind. My carnal mind is saying my life is really lousy!

My case of the what ifs starts here: what if I had gone to work at Disney- how different and awesome my life would be! What if I had studied something else in school? (Even in school I figured teaching wasn't for me, but I never figured out what was.) What if I did figure it out, got a degree in whatever I"m really supposed to do and lived that life??

I just don't feel happy with my life. I thought that when you found your niche in life, you would be happy and content and not wanting a different life. I'm not happy and content, and I do want a different life. What does that mean? What am I supposed to be doing? I guess the only one who can truly answer that is God. I have some ideas, but maybe I should be praying for direction. Who knows? All I know is that I wish my life was different- more exciting, more fresh, more creative, more fun, more me.

Sorry for the downer post, but these are things in my head. I just want it to be out there in case there are others who are feeling as I am. Just know you aren't alone.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Toys Gothic Arches

Tomorrow (Sunday) is a very busy day for me, so I wanted to have my arches up on my blog today! The theme for the Gothic Arch Challenge is "Toys-vintage or favorite from childhood!" I am posting an older arch because it fits along with two arches I created from my childhood toys- My Little Pony (Glory was my favorite according to my mother!) and Rainbow Brite. I can't believe Rainbow Brite celebrated her 25 anniversary this year. This holiday season will bring the newest version of Rainbow Brite (the one on the right in my arch) as dolls, etc!! They redesigned her- I have mixed feelings about the redesign, but I think they did a good job staying pretty close to the original!Thank you for looking!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bathing Beauty Gothic Arch

The theme this week at the Gothic Arch challenge is Bathing Beauties. This is my first arch! I have plans for at least two others!It is very simple, but I really just wanted to highlight the picture. Enjoy! I hope to post two more this week!

However, I need to pack for our move. Yes, it seems that our house is going through, and we should be closing (I'm guessing here) in about 2-3 weeks!! I can hardly stand my excitement! I'll keep you all posted! I'll post house pictures as soon as it is mine!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Circle of Friends Award

I've been honored by Anne at Gaal Creative with the Circle of Friends Blog Award as a part of her First Blogoversary. '

First, I want to thank Anne. She has been a very valuable member of my blog followers. Rarely does a new post go by without her comments. They mean a great deal to me! Happy Blogoversary, Anne!

On to the award:
To pick up the Circle of Friends Blog Award:
  1. Cut and paste the award logo and use it on your own blog.

  2. Nominate at least 5 other bloggers you feel have become part of your circle of friends.

  3. Link to your nominees within your blog post.

  4. Include these instructions on how to pick up the award in your blog post.

  5. Link back to the person who gave you the award in your blog post, to show your appreciation.

  6. Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award.
Here are my nominees for the Circle of Friends Blog Award. These are people that I have met through their blogs and they have become part of my circle of friends! Isn't it amazing what the internet can do to bring people together.

Nancy at The Vintage Papers

Shonna at Twisted Figures

Kimmie at art in redwagons

Bianca at scrapfreakgirl

Tam at Willowing

These women have become very special people in my life! I appreciate each of them!

Also check out these blogs I just recently discovered!
Maggi at Just Add Glitter and Stir

Le Vintage (I'm sorry- I don't know the person who owns this blog- I just found it today!)

Amanda at Maygreen Fairies

Enjoy these fine blogs! =)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Marie Antoinette Arches

Here are my arches for the Marie Antoinette theme I'm hosting at the Gothic Arch Challenge.
She really is an amazing woman- she just grew up as a rock star queen. Who wouldn't have done what she did?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Marshmallows and Gothic Arch-Roses

I'm finally off for the summer which means more time for baking and art! Whoo-hoo! Yesterday, I made homemade marshmallows! They are so yummy! I also made some last week (when I took the pictures) where I had a little sugar fire on the stove, but other than that, I had a blast! You have to cook sugar and corn syrup. Then you mix that hot syrup with unflavored gelatin. You beat it in a stand mixer for 12 minutes and then spread it in a pan. After they set up for 3 hours, you cut them and roll them in powdered surgar! Very yummy, and everyone who tried them is spoiled forever!!!

Also, I'm trying to get caught up on the Gothic Arch Challege. This week's challenge was roses. I'm infatuated by Marie Antoinette- her life. . everything! Naturally, I used her in my arch!

This portrait was critized as it made her look so much less like a queen, but I really love it. I think it shows her human side. She was tired of the court life at Versailles and she wanted to get away. At the Petit Trianon, she could do that. She was highly critized for her spending on the Petit Trianon, but it was her hideaway!

Friday, June 19, 2009

NEWS and new art!

Ok, for my news. . . hold on to your seats. . .my husband and I. . . .are BUYING A HOUSE!!!!!!!! Yes, we found an awesome home about 30 minutes north of where we are currently living. It is a 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom house with a gorgeous pool! We are very excited! We found out yesterday that they accepted our bid! Now, we have lots of other things to do to get the house purchased and our stuff packed to move!!!

I'm very excited. Kevin and I haven't owned a home. We've done an apartment and we lived with his Grandmother at her house for two years. Now, we can live our own lives! I can hardly believe we will be getting this house! Woo-hoo!

As for my new art, I made it as a 'thank you' to our realtor, Toni. She has worked so hard to get us the perfect house. She is a Christian, so she knows exactly where Kevin and I are coming from!! She is truly incredible. I wanted to thank her, and the only way I knew how was to paint! What do you think??

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More art

Do you remember my autumn painting? Well, here is Spring. She is part of the series that goes with Autumn. It will be a series of girls in seasons. SPring isn't as good as Autumn, but oh well. She is different!
What do you think? She's be in the works a very long time. I'm glad to see her finally finished!!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Summer is approaching

Ok, for those of you who don't work in the school system, this means nothing to you! However, I have just finished my school year job yesterday. I will go back in August. Friday, I start my summer school job- which is half days! Days of art and painting, and photography, etc are coming!!! I'm off today and tomorrow- =). I'm off to look at houses this morning and tomorrow to the doctor- he has to check my toe. I had a toenail removed about a month or so ago. He is constantly checking to be sure it is ok. So far so good!

I'm just so glad summer is coming. Even though I have to work summer school (my hubby and I NEED the money however little it may be!), I know I'm only working half days, so I can come home and play: paint, stamp, etc and get things ready to open my Etsy shop! I really hope to get it up and going this summer, but I haven't finished enough pieces yet. Hopefully, I'll get a jump on it this summer. It will be called Purple Starfish Designs! I'm very, very excited!! I just have tons of work to do!!! =)

(What is Etsy, you ask?? It is a website where lots of talented people sell their handmade items or supplies to make handmade items. There are also lots of vintage items for sale as well. Check it out!!! Support the handmade cause!!)

I just bought some new stamps and embellishments at a scrapbook convention, so I am chomping at the bit to get going on cards and other stamped items! Watch out. . .here I come!

I hope everyone is having a good summer even if you have to work! I hope to post more on my blog this summer. I'm also on facebook and trying to understand twitter. We will see! I LOVE SUMMER!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Art Journal Pages

Today is an easy day for me. Painting and laundry and movies! I've been so tired this week that this is about all I can do! It is a great Saturday!

I realized I haven't shared a great many art journal pages with you. I've included them here. Enjoy!

This is a study of the artwork of Jasmine Becket-Griffith.

Just couldn't resist at Valentine's time!

My try at Mandalas!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

House Hunting and Art!

Hello! Sorry I haven't been around in a while. My husband and I are still house hunting. We've been looking most evenings we have off (no church, etc). It has been crazy. We thought we'd found a home we liked, but upon a second investigation, we found evidence of foundation problems. We decided that wasn't the house for us! Or well!

We were out of town last week to a wedding of a friend of family we known since she was born. Her parents actually got my parents together! It was fun. Since we've been back, it has been crazy with houses and the end of the year at school- all kinds of stuff!!

Oh, I wanted to post my latest artwork. I couldn't post it until I gave it to my mom because she reads my blog from time to time. It was her mother's day present! She liked it very much!!

I'm glad she was pleased with it. It took me lots of time to complete! I'm still working on other art, but is slow going. I just don't have the time I'd like to have. I'm nearly finished with a house-warming triptic for some friends of mine. It is three large 12x24 canvases that all go together. It is meant to go over their couch. I should have it finished soon!

Today, I'm off to make a few ribbon bookmarks for the librarian at the school where I work. She asked me to make them as gifts for her parent volunteers! I HAVE to get them done today because Kevin and I might be off to the lake tomorrow or Monday!

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Memorial Day, and I'll try to be back more often. (This summer, I'll be doing a lot more posting since I will have more time!) See you soon!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Back with new art! (And an Award!)

Ok, so I've been gone for a while. My husband and I have had so much happen! My husband's grandmother (who we have been living with) took a fall at the end of February. She broke her hip. She had replacement surgery. She was in rehab and then a nursing home (to continue the rehab). Well, last Thursday, she fell and hit her head. She died that morning. My husband was devastated since she raised him. He took all of Easter weekend off for her and for the Easter play we were in at church! That weekend was nuts. I'm glad to say my husband is doing much better now- he misses her, but he isn't sorry about the choices he made. We are now trying to get her stuff taken care of, the house cleaned up and fixed up and then we plan to sell it. We are starting to look for a house of our own. We basically put our lives on hold to help her out; we moved in to help her not even a year after we were married. Now, it is our time to have a home and live as newly weds! (Please don't think I'm selfish!)

Second, I have many paintings in the works, etc. This one got finished this weekend!

What do you think? I really like her. I've been a member of the World of Whimsy class with Tam here. She has taught me so much! This is one of the first works I've done since the class. I actually based my girl's clothing off of Emily at the Black Apple. Here is her post where she is wearing those clothes (more or less!) She has an incredible blog if you haven't run across it yet!!!!

I guess that is all for now. I hope to have more art and more posts! Don't forget me even if I'm gone for a while.

ETA: I just found out that Anne nominated me for the Renee Award!
The Renee Award was created by Bella and Ces in honor of their friend Renee.

In Bella's own words: "this is a brand new award and I have the pleasure and honor of spreading the seed, watching it grow. I hope it finds it's way to those who are like Renee: the acorn, a small package becoming a tall and sturdy oak, giving more acorns, becoming tall and sturdy oaks, giving acorns..."

There are no "rules" for claiming this award, but I would suggest the following:
  • Thank the person who nominated you for the Renee Award.

  • Click on the picture above to see it larger, then download it and post it on your blog.

  • Mention the person who nominated you and link back to their blog.

  • Nominate others to receive the award.

  • Comment on their blogs to let them know you nominated them.

  • Visit Bella, Ces, and Renee and let them know you received the award and passed it on. Consider linking your blog post to them, too.
Now, I need to nominate others for the award. I know so few of the actual bloggers of the blogs I read. I'll post the ones who have really inspired me (in no order)

Emily at the Black Apple

Shonna at Twisted Figures

Tam (Willowing) at Willowing.org or her ning network here.

Nicole at A Roof of Ones Own

Nancy at Vintage Papers

Those are just to name a few. There are so many! Maybe I can add some more later.


Saturday, April 4, 2009

Good News and Bad News

Good News: There is another giveaway of some very beautiful cutout (collage) sheets! Check out Kristin at Retro Cafe Art Gallery! She is giving away some awesome collage sheets and cutout packs! Go check her out- but do it soon. Her giveaway happens tomorrow!!!

Bad news: my husband and I lost another cat today. Our cats live outside- they are basically strays we feed and take care of. They live in our backyard which isn't fenced. Well, this morning, there were two pit bulls and another mutt running around. They attacked one of our cats. She had been picked up by the dogs. I believed she died instantly. We chased the dogs off and buried her. She was still warm when we put her in the ground. This is the third cat we've had to buried due to violence. Two were attacked by dogs- pit bulls at that. One was shot with a beebee gun!

It aggravates me greatly that I live in a neighborhood where people are so careless to let their dogs run free with out consideration of the consequences. Please, I beg you, take care of your animals, and whatever you do- DON'T take them for granted.

As far as my art goes, I hope to post some more soon! Sorry for the delay in posting new art! Hope to be back soon!

PS: I'm attempting Macarons again today. Cross your fingers!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Life and Another Blog's Giveaway!

Ok, well, going back to work put a damper on my blogging and baking and doing art! :( Hopefully, I can get some things done, soon!

Oh, my husband and I have finished off the beautiful macarons! I'm so ready to make some more. Hubby is off on Saturday, so we are going to an art museum to see the King Tut display. However, next weekend, I plan on making the beautiful yummy things- this time in Strawberry/Coconut (hubby's request), mint/chocolate, and one other flavor, maybe! I'll keep you posted!

Ok, finally, I was on Twisted Figures to see her newest work. She had a post to this giveaway going on Cameron's Blog. If you haven't seen Cameron's blog, she seems to be a very talented Mixed Media artist. I just found her blog, so I will be spending some time on it! Hope you will find it as awesome as I do!

See you soon!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Macaron Day!!!

Happy Macaron Day! In Paris, if you go to Pierre Herme's bakery, you can get 4 macarons for free if you make a small donation. It is a way to raise money to help cure diseases, I think. (My French isn't that great anymore!) Anyway, I decided since I can't go to Paris and get free macarons, I would celebrate by making my own!

Inspired by many blogs, I decided to give it a try- especially after I got my new mixer. I've been pouring over recipes and tips all week. I found Emily's (The Black Apple) tips very helpful. You can find them here. (Thanks, Emily.) She also posts links to several recipes! I'm attempting cherry vanilla macs today. This morning, I made the batter and they are currently sitting out to form a skin. They will go in the oven shortly, and we will see what happens!

I had some trouble with the macs so far. First of all, my almonds weren't dry enough when I tried to grind them up. No big deal- I put the almonds in then oven at a low temp for a little while. That helped- they were still wet, though. I sifted the ground almonds with the icing sugar and then I proceeded to making the meringue.
I was so proud! My meringue turned out nice with very stiff peaks. Then I folded in the dry ingredients and tried to pipe my macs with a ziploc bag since I don't have a piping bag. Oh, that was messy!!! My macs look much like amebias instead of nice round macs. I can handle amebias.
They have sat out to form their skin. Now, I'm going to put them in the oven. I'll add to this post later after they have baked. I've decided, if they form little feet like they are supposed to, I will continue to make the ganache filling. If not, we will just eat them as cookies, and I'll have to try again- soon!

These are fun, but they are finicky! I'll keep you posted!

ETA: Update #2
Ok, Macs are cooked and out of the oven. They are all amebias, but most of them sprouted feet and most of them didn't crack (a sign that I did beat it right!) They aren't perfect, but not bad for a first try.

See the feet? I was jumping around the kitchen when I saw those. They are very small, but they are there!
Batch one. Not too bad. Many with feet. Only a few small cracks. I baked these with a wooden spoon propping the oven door open.
Batch number 2. Do you see the one perfect mac???? I do! This batch I baked with the oven door closed- less feet and more cracks. Ok, lesson learned!

These are the macs once cooled and waiting for the ganache filling. I'm currently waiting for the ganache to get a little harder, so I can put it in the cookies. I think I might run an errand and come back to see how the ganache is doing! I'll be back soon with finished macs!

E(on Saturday)TA: I did get them done. I made the ganache with cream and white chocolate and a bit of vanilla. It was very soupy. I even put it in the fridge for a while to set. I was impatient, so I put it in a small bag and tried to pipe it onto my macs. It was messy, but they got done!
I decided to freeze them, so the ganache would harden. That helped some. Here are some pictures of the final results!

Than you all for going with me in the quest for macarons. They taste marvelous even if they look weird. My husband is so excited, he is ready for me to make more. He didn't even like the ones at the bakery- go figure, huh? He says mine taste much better! They were fun, and I plan on trying again very soon!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

KitchenAid Mixer!!!

Ok, I can no longer contain myself! I got a KitchenAid Mixer this weekend. My husband found it on Craig'slist! It is a 5 quart professional mixer, and it is RED!!!! I'm so excited! It is bigger than I wanted, but who cares, the price was right! I've used it once, and I plan to do some more baking tomorrow and Friday (Macaron day! There will be a post!!).

Unfortunately, I have misplaced the card adaptor for my camera's memory card, and I can't get my pictures downloaded! *sniff* *sniff*. I have a card reader at school that will read that card, but I'm on Spring Break right now. As soon as I can, I'll post the pictures my husband took when we first got it home and the pictures I took of its first use!!!

It is a beautiful mixer, and it works like a dream! Baking will be so much more enjoyable with the perfect tool! (Not that I didn't enjoy baking before, but having the right tool makes all the difference in the world!!)

If you don't understand my utter excitement, let me explain. Ever since I registered for my wedding 3 years ago (maybe even before that!), I've wanted a KitchenAid mixer. When I registered, I registered for a black Artisan mixer. Well, needless to say, I didn't receive it, and I decided that our wedding money was better spent on other everyday items. I had a small hand mixer which was fine. It go me through some baking expeditions. However, this past December, it died while I was making my husband's birthday cake. Then, for about a month, I've wanted a mixer and have been looking. I've had this urge to bake and was unable to do so without a mixer. Then, I discovered some recipes for homemade marshmellows and macarons! They both required a whisk attachment. Yes, other mixers had that, but why settle for something else when I've always wanted a KitchenAid.

At that point, my husband and I kept our eyes out for a good deal. There was no way I could pay full price for a KitchenAid mixer- it just wasn't going to happen. Well, about a week and a half ago, my husband sold one of his trucks which gave us a little money. (My husband gave me $500 to start my Etsy shop which I plan to do this summer!! Whoo-hoo!!) Anyway, just Saturday, he saw a red, professional mixer on Craig'slist. Well, I was out all day Saturday, and by the time he told me about it, I thought it was gone for sure. I emailed the seller, and then waited. There was no news. Sunday, there was no news. We went to church and then to lunch. I happened to check my phone after lunch to see a strange number had called and left a message. Sure enough, it was the owner of the mixer! She still had it! We went straight over there and bought it for $100!!! I was so excited!!!!

I am so excited! As soon as I get my pictures off my camera, I will show you the beauty!!

Ok, a brief bit about Friday. Friday, March 20 is Macaron Day in Paris. Granted, I'm not in Paris, but I'm going to celebrate Macaron day by trying to make my own macarons. I've become obsessed with them- I'll explain more on Friday. Just keep your fingers crossed mine come out ok! I can't wait!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Two New Cards

I've been doing all kind of artsy things lately. Here are my two latest cards. One was for my Pator's birthday (he is an awesome man, and going to a small church, we know him pretty well). The other is for my husband- our anniversary is tomorrow! 3 Years, baby! (and I haven't killed him yet!!!)

I just wanted to share.

Also, I'm working on all I need to do to open an Etsy shop! I hope it succeeds!!! I'll keep you posted on that!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

My Neighbor Totoro

Ok, this isn't an artsy post. I've been working on some birthday cards, but I haven't finished them. I wanted to post about a movie I just saw. I ordered it from Netflix- it is one I've wanted to see for ages. I thought DH would watch it with me, but he informed me he was NOT interested in Japanese anime no matter what. Oh, well, excuse me!!! I decided that since I was taking it easy today due to not feeling well, I'd watch it. My Neighbor Totoro was so cute! I loved Spirited Away, and since this was by the same Japanese animation studio, I thought it would be good, too! Wow, was it ever!! I loved it! You must see it!
I don't want to give anything away- just say two sisters go to live in a new house with their dad while their mother is recuperating in the hospital. They meet this special spirit of the woods called Totoro. I know it sounds hokey, but you must see it! Such a sweet movie!!!

That's it for now. I'm still working on some cards I need finished by tomorrow. I'll be back soon!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Creative Juices. . .

Don't you hate when your creative juices are flowing, and you don't have enough time to get it all out on paper or even to satisfy the desire to make art??? I'm having that trouble now. I just want to draw and paint and stamp and play with techniques all at the same time. That is very difficult with a full time job and an equally full time husband (who is very needy!) Oh well. Guess I'll have to squish as much into Saturday as I can. Those are MY days! I can do what I want to do- after I go grocery shopping and while I'm working on laundry!! This Saturday, I need to make birthday cards. Next Saturday is the start of Tam's class. Check it out on her ning community here. I can hardly wait! Creative Saturdays, here I come!! Woo-hoo! Until then, I'll just have to do sketches and stuff at work! SHHHH!!

Ok, one more thing. Who has heard of a Zentangle?? What is a Zentangle you say?? Try this site. Ok, I've never heard of them until today. While searching for specifics, I found this video by Milliande. I think I'm going to try one- either sqaure or circle. I would love the pen that Milliande uses, but I will just use what I have now! They are awesome. When I was in college, I used to do doodles like this when I was bored in class, but I didn't limit them. I just let them go on! I'll let you know how my experimentation goes! If you have made some, I'd love to see them!


Monday, February 16, 2009

Blog question

Ok, can someone tell me how to make a background for my blog> I've seen it on Nancy's blog and Shonna's blog. I want to know how to do it! Can anyone help? Thanks!

Sunday, February 15, 2009


I received a Blog award from Nicole (GothamGal!) I met her on 2Peas, and we started talking a lot. We are Christian Bale buddies- she more than I, but hey, he's a good actor! She makes tremendous cards, and she is very inspirational!

To pick up the Your Blog is Fabulous Award:
List 5 addictions
Cut and paste the award logo and use it in your own blog
Nominate 5 other blogs you think are fabulous
Comment on their blogs to let them know they've received the award
Link back to the person who gave you the award to show your appreciation

Here are my 5 addictions:
1. Creating Art: art of any kinds gives me a high I rarely find anywhere else! I love stamping, painting, mixed media, whatever- just give me some time to do it, and I'm a happy camper! My only wish- to have a studio just for creating art!

2. Reading: though, this should be probably be lower on the addiction list as I don't always have time to do it, I still love. What else, besides movies, can transport you away from the norm and show you a new life and a new story- different from yours?? I love reading- mostly historical fiction, but I'm not picky!!

3. Movies- (bet you knew this one was coming!) Oh yeah! I LOVE movies! I buy them all the time. I'll watch a movie over and over when I get obsessed with one. I'll watch it back to back, I'll watch the special features! Give me a behind the scenes view, and I'm hooked. "Am I picky about my movies," you ask? Pretty much no, but I will not watch horror movies!!! However, animated, musicals, suspense, action, love story, comedy, satire, documentary- anything will work! Just no horror, please

4. Computers- especially the internet. I can spend hours on a computer and not even realize the time has gone by. I love searching the internet for a variety of things. I also love playing with images and graphics! I do some website design for my job, and I love it. (I really have no need for a personal website aside from my blog!) I just love computers!

5. Travel- oh, if I had more money, I'd go everywhere! Work? Who needs it! I need a job like Rick Steves; his only job is to tour the world and give advice to others through his books and TV shows. That would be the life! How fantastic to see all the corners of the world and get paid for it. I haven't been too many places, but I love going on trips and I love planning them. If a travel agent was a decent job, I think I would like to do that! Trips I would like to take: Paris, London, Ireland, Italy, Caribbean, US tour, etc! Just give me a glimspe of a hope of a trip, and I'm all over it!!!

Now, on to the nominations:
1. Shonna- She has the most amazing art- so whimsical and fun! She is so nice, too! She has always been kind when I've contacted her! I would love to get to know her better. Go check out her blog and you will be hooked as I am!!

2. Nancy- She is the nicest woman you'll ever meet. Plus, she makes the most incredible victorian art, you have ever seen!!!! She cleverly puts new images with old ones to make awesome creations!

3. Kimmie- She has the most interesting way of doing and seeing things! She does incredible work or all kinds! Everytime I visit her website, I'm in awe of the work she does! Awesome and inspiring!!!

4. Dawn- She does the most amazing and inspiring Journal entries. Very graphic and consiting of doodles! I love the way she journals! I've tried to immitate it, but I'm no Dawn! I still check her blog every day just to see what new and exciting thing she has done!!!!

5. Wyanne- I found Wyanne through YouTube! She does some very whimsical but beautiful artwork!! I love how different her collages are, and I love to watch her videos to see how she collages everything. It is fascinating to see what she uses to collage her images or to create her painted backgrounds! Thanks Wyanne!

Thanks, Nicole, again for the award! It means a lot!

I'm really hoping to get back into weekly blog updates if not more. I'm sorry it has been so crazy! Take care and keep making art!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Purple Fairy

I finally got my newest painting done! She is going into an auction at the elementary school I work at. I think she came out quite good!

I'm so proud! I hate to see her go tomorrow when the lady in charge of the auction comes to get her. Oh well. That is what I made her for. Now I have a very high res copy to make prints from! I'm so excited!!! Her skin is watercolor and the rest is acrylics! The dress and some of the wing parts actually are shimmer paint! I got the inspiration from Jasmine Becket-Griffith.

I hope this painting will bring in some commissions. I'm putting my business cards out with the painting at this silent auction. I'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Yes, I know, I've been a little absent lately. I have been a little busy. I did finish a piece of art, but I left the scan on my computer at work! As soon as I get it here, I have to post it! I love it!

I've been trying to keep up with everyone's blog. I know I don't always comment, but I'm watching all of you! Don't think I'm gone- just busy away from the computer!

I hope to get back into my weekly updates soon-probably starting next weekend. This weekend, DH is taking me to a bed and breakfast for Valentine's day! He is so sweet. He found it himself! I was so impressed! Can't wait to go and have some time to relax!!

May God bless you! I'll be back soon!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Another journal entry

I finished a journal entry today! Woo-hoo! I found this blog, D'Blogala, and I was intrigued by her journaling style, so I tried to copy it with my own things. Today, all I had was a black pen, so that's all I used. (The pink down the middle is the leakage from another page!)

Yeah, I know it is very different for me, but I kinda like it. I know I need a little refining, but it was fun! I don't particularly like my lettering, but I hope to improve that! This was just a first time.

Ok, I just have to share: we just got cable tv! We got it for my husband's grandmother- who sits home a lot and really only watches TV and does puzzle books. She hates the weekends because there is nothing on. Now, she has a billion channels to chose from! I've never had cable in my whole life- just when I visited my grandmothers. Now, we can watch anything we like. I love the History channel (and wish we could get the other ones!), the weather channel, along with many, many others! I can hardly wait. Not to mention, we get the music channels where they play the same genre of music all day long! Oh, yes! I can't wait!! I know this novelty will wear off, but now, I'm totally thrilled!!!!!

Thanks for sharing my joy! Can't wait to hear from you!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Growing Pains, too

Ok, just a few days ago, Lia posted her "Growing Pains" blog entry. I completely agree with her. I think everyone goes through those creative growing pains! I'm in that place now. Lately, I've been copying artwork or style from those out there like Tam (aka Willowing) and Jasmine Becket-Griffith. I've been trying to copy some of their work because I like something- the eyes, the color- whatever. However, no matter how much I copy, mine always look the same. I was reading in a blog (I don't remember who's) that said no matter how much you copy someone's work, it will never be exactly the same. All those little things that are slightly different in your work is your voice. Now, my latest drawings (which I'll post later) may not look exactly like Tam's and Jasmine's, but I have learned a great deal by copying their work. I'm still struggling to find my style- one that is distinctive to me. I guess that comes with time and just making art. Tam says there isn't failure- just ways not to do art. Ok, so the more I copy and play, the more I'm learning of things I like and don't like- of ways to make art and ways not to make art. Eventually, I suppose, I'll find my own style, but until that time, learning, I suppose, is everything! It is the journey and the battle! What I carry away from it is the important part.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this: I'm struggling to find my own style, and that is OK! I guess I'm also trying to reach out to other artists and let you know that if you haven't found you niche in the art world, don't give up! It is out there somewhere. Just keep playing and making art for fun and for the purpose of learning and you will eventually find your way!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

New Year's Artwork

I've been working on all these projects, and I finally finished a few to show you. First, I've been working in my art journal a little. There are some unfinished pages, but I've continued to do some other pages for now. First of all, I did some 2009 dreams because I don't make resolutions. These are just things that would be nice if they happened.

I've also been working on a painting for my God-Daughter. I was inspired by Jasmine Becket-Griffith's work. I decided to create a fairy for my God-Daughter. Following's Tam's video about shading a face, I painted the first face I have done that looks realistic! I also added some sparkles and stars (a la Tam!) What do you think?
I guess that's it for now! I'm working on some other things. As soon as they are done, I'll post them here, too!

Have a blessed day!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wandering Moleskine 2

Ok, to the four people who responded to the Wandering Moleskine project, I thought I'd post some ideas/questions for you. Kathy N. suggested we each provide a Moleksine to pass to each person. Would everyone be willing to do that? If so, should we all get the same kind or just get what we want? I'd love to get this going! Let me know what you think!!


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Wandering Moleskine?

I heard about a Wandering Moleskine project, but it was back in 2005! Hmm. . the list for it was closed- can't imagine why! It was basically like a circle journal- the moleskine went out to others who all included their artwork in it and then, I assume, it was sent to the orginator. Would anyone be interested doing this? (I will probably post on stamp haven, too!) I would be very excited to see what people do!

If you are interested, please leave a comment on this post! I hope we get a lot of people involved- add this information to your blog and let's see how many people we can get involved!

Can't wait to hear from you!


Thursday, January 1, 2009

I was Tagged

I was tagged by artlover. She has several blogs, so I just posted to her profile.

Here are the rules:

1. Link to the person who tagged you.
2. Mention the rules.
3. Tell 6 things about yourself.
4. Tag 6 other bloggers by linking to them.
5. Go to each person's blog and leave a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

Here are the 6 things about me
1. I'm married to Kevin- nearly 3 years
2. I'm a computer geek- at home and as a job!
3. I've only recently discovered my love for creating art of any kind and the exhilaration it brings when I make something I love or I try new artistic things!
4. I take care of 6 stray cats- they are my babies!
5. I'm so inspired by Tam's work!
6. I love chocolate!

I'm tagging the following people:
Nancy (Vintage Papers)
Dawn (The Chatty Stamper)
Anne (Gaal Creative)
Sandy (It's a Colorful World)
Shonna (Twisted Figures)
Art Junk Girl

Thank you all for following my blog! I'm glad to have so many supportive people and friends!